The Legislature - Parliament of Uganda

This is the legislative arm of the government.

It consists of 280 members most of whom were elected through the ballot box except a few special interest groups like the army, women, youth and the disabled whose representatives were elected by Electoral Colleges. The present Parliament (the sixth) is largely independent of the executive and has been very active. When fully constituted it consists of the following: 

* 214 Constituency Representatives 
* 39 District Women Representatives 
* 10 Uganda People\'s Defence forces Representatives 
* 5 Representatives of the Youth 
* 5 Representatives of persons with Disabilities 
* 3 Representatives of Workers

It has passed several laws and amendments and censured some cabinet ministers for corruption and abuse of office.

The Parliament is headed by the Speaker who is currently Hon. Edward Ssekandi and deputized by Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga

The Parliament of Uganda derives its mandate and functions from the 1995 Constitution, the Laws of Uganda and its own Rules of Procedure.

The Constitution contains articles which provide for the establishment, composition and functions of the Parliament of Uganda and empowers Parliament "to make laws on any matter for the peace, order, development and good governance of Uganda", and "to protect the Constitution and promote democratic governance in Uganda".

The term of Parliament is five years from the date of its first sitting after a general election. The current Parliament (8th Parliament) started in May 2006 and ends in May 2011.  


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